PHM Registry Editor a tweaky pro Pocket PC

Stejně jako u Windows, ani u Windows CE si Microsoft neodpustil nechvalně známé systémové proměnné alias registry, ve kterých lze najít a nastavit řadu zajímavých věcí. Přinášíme Vám přehled těch nejzajímavějších skrytých nastavení pro Windows CE.

Systémové registry Windows CE obsahují slušnou řádku informací, které lze v případě potřeby měnit a přizpůsobit si tak systém "k obrazu svému". Lze to provést buď s pomocí nějakého vhodného tweakovacího programu, jako je například RegKing nebo na Palmare nedávno popisovaný program Tweaks2k2. Nechcete-li ovšem platit za tyto shareware programy, případně jiné komerční tweakovací utilitky, můžete použít freewarový editor registrů PHM Registry Editor (viz screenshoty) a všechno si nastavit ručně. Práce s PHM Registry Editorem je prakticky totožná s používáním RegEditu alias Editoru registrů ve Windows (editace, kopírování, přejmenování, export záznamů apod.), takže nepotřebuje bližší komentář.

Protože nepředpokládám, že byste si všechna důležitá nebo nějakým způsobem zajímavá nastavení registrů pamatovali z hlavy, poskládal jsem pro Vás jejich stručný přehled (zdroj z různých serverů, hlavně ze stránek s původním podrobným popisem každého tweaku. Níže uvedené nastavení registrů jsou samozřejmě nezávislá na typu procesoru v Pocket PC nebo handheldu s Windows CE a měly by v závislosti na daném modelu kapesního počítače fungovat u naprosté většiny zařízení s Windows CE staršího i novějšího data. Názvy jednotlivých tweaků a pasáže vysvětlujícího textu jsem raději ponechal v angličtině, je to ostatně srozumitelnější než leckdy prakticky bezvýznamný český překlad, cesty k položkám v registrech jsou uvedeny tučnou kurzívou.

Enable policy restrictions (Pocket PC 2002)
Pocket PC 2002 devices includes a system policy system to prevent users from downloading and installing new programs via Pocket Internet Explorer, Inbox, File Explorer, ActiveSync or beaming between devices or renaming files.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\AdminPassword\
Rename the "Redirect" value to "xRedirect"
Soft reset and go to Start > Settings > System tab > Policy applet to set the policy restriction on the device.

Modify the Low battery warning (Pocket PC 2002)
Pocket PC 2002 displays a low battery warning when the main battery reaches 40%, it is displayed as a bubble notification in the title bar along with a sound. This notification is not user configurable in the settings like other notifications, here is how to make it appear so in the settings, so you can customize it for exemple to only play the sound on not display the bubble notification.
Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877D663-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}\
Create a String value named "Default" and set its value to "Low battery warning".
Now go to Start > Settings > Personal tab > Sounds & Notifications applet > Notifications tab, select "Low battery warning" in the "Select an event" drop-down list and you can customize it.

Screen rotate, landscape orientation
Some Pocket PC provide some way to change the screen orientation into landscape mode, as this is device specific, this thread contains the information for each device.
Screen rotate on Toshiba e310:
On the Toshiba e310 (Pocket PC 2002) go to:
Change the Rotate key from 0 to 1 and reset
You have to re-align the screen which can be tricky as all the buttons are as they were in portrait mode. Once re-aligned it works perfectly!

Use ClearType to smooth edges of screen fonts (Pocket PC 2002)
Pocket PC 2002 now allows you to smooth the edges of screen fonts using ClearType.
Here is how to enable or disable it:
Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shell\
If it doesn't exist already, create a DWORD value named "ClearType".
Set the "ClearType" value data to 1 to enable ClearType, or 0 to disable it.

Disable Start menu animation (Pocket PC 2002)
The Pocket PC 2002 feature a tansition effect for the Start menu, which looks good but slower than no effect. Here is how to disable it:
Change the "AniType" value from 6 to 0.

Displaying Date and Time in the title bar
The Pocket PC display the time in the title bar, the user can select Analog or Digital using tap&hold on the time. But some people also want the date to be easily available, this was actually available on Palm-size PC devices. Fortunately there is a tweak to display both the date and time instead of time only in the Pocket PC title bar:
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\
Create a binary value named "TBOpt" and set its value to "13 00 00 00".
Save any unsaved document and reset your Pocket PC.

Changing the Storage Card name
By default, the system assign a name for mounted volumes, "Storage Card" on an English system (this name change with localisation). You cannot rename this folder, as it is an IFS (Installable Filesystem) and not a simple folder. However, you can tell the system to use another name when mounting a volume.
Create a string value named "Folder" and type the name you want for storage cards as the data. This name will now be used for the first ATA Card you you insert, and the same name followed by a number if you insert more than one. You can also use this for other storage drivers, for exemple to use "SCSI Disk" for drives used with Adaptec APA-1460, include a string "Folder" = "SCSI Disk" in \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\PCMCIA\ADPDisk\.

TCP/IP Hosts file equivalent

Windows CE does not include a Host file for static names to IP mapping, these are instead stored in the registry.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Tcpip\Hosts\
Each host is a subkey. The name of the key is the hostname
The value named "ipaddr" contain the 4 bytes of the address as binary
Aliases can be defined in a multi-string value named "aliases"
For permanent hosts, there should be no "ExpireTime" value, this can be a binary value used to define the time to live in milliseconds

Files associations
Like any Windows, files are associated with applications depending on their extensions.
for exemple, a .txt file is associated with \Windows\pword.exe so that when you want to open it, the system know it can be open using Pocket Word. Let's have a look at how it works...
You'll see there are two values, "Default" which define the file type and "Content Type" which define its MIME type.
Now open \HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\
This is where the association information are really stored. Why using another key ? Well, it's simple, imagine you want to associate both .txt and .asc, it's different extentions but they are exactly the same kind of files, so the "Default" value can be "txtfile" for both and you have a single location for the association.
\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\ contain a default value with the text definition of the file "Text only note", this is used by some applications to display the file type. DefaultIcon\ is a key used to define the icon to use for these document files, the default value contain [filename],-[icon#], most applications contain icons for their documents, so here "\Windows\pword.exe,-110" tell the system to use the icon #110 of pword.exe. The Shell\ key contain subkeys, this could have been simpler, but Windows CE needed to use the same association style as Windows 9x/NT. So the Shell\ key contain commands you can perform on files, the only supported command on the Pocket PC is "Open" so there is only an Open\ key. That key could contain the command name, like default="Open in Pocket Word", but again that's not used on Pocket PC. each command key contain a "Command\" subkey with a default value that define the command to use to perform the command, "\Windows\pword.exe %1" for exemple, %1 is the first parameter, which will be the document filename. This means if you tap on \mytext.txt, Windows will execute "\Windows\pword.exe \mytext.txt".

Another sample:
"Content Type"="text/html"

"Content Type"="text/html"

default="HTML Document"
default="iexplore.exe file:%1"

the two first link .htm and .html to the htmlfile type, which then declare the icon to use and the command to open. If you want to define .htt as an HTML file, just add
the key "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.htt" with default="htmlfile" in the registry
To add a new file type, just create the structure like the ones you've seen for text and HTML.

Enable Microsoft original Backlight and Contrast Settings applets
Many OEM replace the Backlight and/or Contrast settings applet by their own versions:

Compaq iPaq 3650:

OEM Backlight applet, same as original but with a Brightness tab for iPaq special purposes. Removed the Contrast applet because contrast settings are not supported on the iPaq.

Casio EM-500:

OEM Brightness applet that replace both the original Backlight and Contrast.
Added the ability to set different brightness values for battery and external power operations. Removed "Turn on backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped" settings because it is not supported, replaced by the Auto Dim settings.
Included the contrast in the same applet, the system one does work, but their device act at the oposite of what it should (Dark is Light and Light is Dark).

HP Jornada 548:

OEM Backlight applet, removed the External Power tab the "Turn on backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped" setting for Battery Power because these settings are not supported. Now, here is how to restore the Microsoft original applets on any Pocket PC, note that most settings OEM have been hiding with their own applet does not work anyway, the OEM applet(s) will still be available in the Settings.

For the Backlight applet, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Backlight\
Rename the "Redirect" value to "Redirect disabled", you could just delete it, but renaming it makes it easy to go back to the OEM setting.
For the Contrast applet, do the same with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Contrast\Contrast setting on Toshiba e740
Open the registry with a registry editor and go to:

And rename the key Redirect by xRedirect, then soft reset your pda. You will see the new control at Start\Settings.

Changing the System Font
I haven't found a way to change the global system font (except replacing the tahoma.ttf and tahomabd.ttf files with a renamed version of the font you want). But it is possible to change some UI font by changing the "Nm" value in the following keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GDI\SYSFNT\ - Treeview and Listview items
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\BarFnt\ - Menu text (on the bar itself)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\PopFnt\ - Menu items text
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\OOMFnt\Nm "Abadi MT Condensed Light" (In my case - this font renders interesting results in Contacts and Calendar, where bold characters appear in many fields. Easy to read, and small width.)

Change Pocket Internet Explorer Codepage
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\
Set the "Default_CodePage" value to the codepage you want to use (1252 'Western Alphabet' is the default codepage). A complete list of codepages is available at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Codepage\, look at the "Description" value for each codepage subkey.

Start Items
(Changes the New Menu on the today screen)
(Pick what starts on a soft reset)

Serial/USB/IrDA Direct Cable Connection
This allow you to connect to a computer using a serial, USB or infrared dial-up connection.
Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\
Find the key for the USB, Serial or IrDA connection you want to use.
Copy the "Entry" value.
Go back to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\
Create a new key with the name you want for your connection, don't use "`" at the beginning, for exemple : "RAS USB Cable".
Paste the value you copied in that key.
This connection will now be available in Start, Programs, Connections.

Windows animations
Windows can be animated when you open an application, close it, etc.
Change the "Animate" value from 0 to 1.

Default Input Method
Warning, this tweak can be dangerous as some input methods may render the device non functional, you should perform a backup before experiencing with this one !
The Keyboard (Pocket PC default) and the Character Recognizer both seems to work correctly as the default input method, but Transcriber does not.
Look in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ for input panels ClassIDs (input panels have the IsSIPInputMethod\ subkey).

Input Method ClassID
Keyboard {42429667-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}
Character Recognizer {42429690-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}
Transcriber {F0034DD0-2AD4-11d1-9CB0-E84BE8000000}

Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sip\

Change the "DefaultIm" value to the ClassID string of the input method you want to use as the default.

Changing the TCP window size
The TCP receive window size is the amount of receive data (in bytes) that can be buffered at one time on a connection. The sending host can send only that amount of data before waiting for an acknowledgment and window update from the receiving host.
Using a larger TcpWindowSize will allow to receive more data without sending Ack, this will provide better network performances on reliable networks (if it must resend a lot, a smaller TcpWindowSize may be more appropriate).
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Tcpip\Parms\
Change the "TcpWindowSize" value from 32768 to 65535.

Changing the Glyph cache (fonts)
You can change the memory used to cache fonts glyphs, this allow you to use more memory to speed up the display.
You can change the "limit" value:
4096: this will slow down the display, but use less memory (default setting on Palm-size PC)
8192: this is the default value on Pocket PC, average memory/performances
16384: this will speed up the display, but use more memory, twice the default Pocket PC value
I don't know about asian versions, maybe they already use 16384 as their default value, if you have an asian system, let me know.

Changing scroll bars sizes
You can change the width and height of scroll bars, make them bigger if you have difficulties with the small buttons, or make them smaller if you want more space for other data.
Change the following values as you want:
cyHScr: Horizontal Scrollbars Height in pixels (default is 13)
cxHScr: Horizontal Scrollbars Width in pixels (default is 20)
cyVScr: Vertical Scrollbars Height in pixels (default is 20)
cxVScr: Vertical Scrollbars Width in pixels (default is 13)

Enable ClearType for the HTML Viewer
This will enable ClearType for the HTML viewer so any application displaying HTML will benefit from the ClearType technology.
Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\
Create a new DWORD Value, named "ClearTypeText"
Set its value to 1 to enable cleartype, changing it to 0 will disable it without the need to delete the value (so you can easily change it again).

Card battery warning
You can enable a battery warning that will be displayed when you insert a card while on battery power.
You can change the "NoBatteryCheck" value:
0: enable the warning when inserting a card while on battery power
1: disable the warning (default value on Pocket PC)

Store Temporary Internet Files on Storage Card
This registry modification will move Pocket Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files to the storage card. First, close Pocket Internet Explorer and move your "Temporary Internet Files\" folder and its subfolders from the "\Windows\" folder to the "\Storage Card\" folder.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Content\
Change the "CachePath" value from "\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\" to "\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files\".
Then browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths\
Change the "Directory" value from "\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\" to "\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files\".
Browse to the Path1\, Path2\, Path3\ and Path4\ subkeys.
For each of them, replace "\Windows\" with "\Storage Card\" in the "CachePath" value, make sure you keep the ending of the string. Remember this will make some problems if you remove the storage card to connect to the internet using a modem card!
This will work for both Mobile Favorites and pages you see while online with the Pocket PC, the only problem is ActiveSync report that the Mobile Favorties are not syncronized while they are.
I looked at the registry on both the Pocket PC and the desktop and sync dlls but couldn't find why ActiveSync doesn't see the content as syncronized.
I don't know who found this first, it have been posted to several forums. I searched to registry to find every place that had to be modified for it to work correctly.

Store AvantGo on Storage Card
This registry modification will move AvantGo channels to the storage card.
First, close Pocket Internet Explorer and move your "avantgo\" folder and its subfolders from the "\Windows\" folder to the "\Storage Card\" folder.
Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AvantGo\
Change the "DatabaseLocation" value from "\Windows\avantgo" to "\Storage Card\avantgo".
Go to mobile link on your desktop and select settings, then properties for the server, and check refresh all content on next sync.

Enable left and right for Windows Media Player
This will add Windows Media Player Left and Right buttons mapping.
For WMP 4 (the one in ROM), browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Media Player\Buttons\
For WMP 7, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Media Player 2\Buttons\
Create a new DWORD value, named "Right" and with 39 as the data.
Create another DWORD value, named "Left" and with 37 as the data.

Windows Media Player background quality
You can select the decompression quality used by Windows Media Player when it's running in the background.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Media Player\Parameters\
You can change the "Background" value (if it does not exist yet, create it as a DWORD):
0: stop the playback when in the background
1: play at low quality, this use less CPU so the foreground application can run faster (this is the default when the value does not exist in the registry)
2: play at full quality, this may slow down the foreground application, but allow you to really enjoy the music while working or reading an eBook

Remove a Today Item
You can delete Today items, This can be usefull to delete Today Image PowerToy items :
The Today Image PowerToy allow you to display an image on the Today screen, it also have an option to create another today image, so you can display two, and more as it will create another today image item each time you tap that button! But there is no option to remove today images you've created, so this is how to remove them.
Browse to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\
Each Today item is a subkey, find the one you want and delete it.

Pocket Internet Explorer Script errors
You can enable or disable script error warnings on Pocket Internet Explorer, this is usefull for web developers who want to test their web site correctly.
Browse to \HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\
You can change the "ShowScriptErrors" value:
0: do not show script errors (default value)
1: show script error warnings
I found this one in some document about creating web sites for PIE on Microsoft web site.

Pocket Internet Explorer as Internet Explorer 5.5
Pocket Internet Explorer pretend to be Internet Explorer 5.5 running on Windows 2000.
Many web sites that require encryption do not verify if your browser support high encryption, they just check the browser version. This registry hack will make Pocket Internet Explorer identifies itself as Internet Explorer 5.5 running on Windows 2000, this may let you connect to web site that check the browser version, but it will also prevent web sites that provide Pocket PC specific content to be able to know you're actually using a Pocket PC.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\
Change the default value from "Mozilla/2.0" to "Mozilla/4.0".
Change the "Version" value from "MSIE 3.02" to "MSIE 5.5".
Change the "Platform" value from "Windows CE" to "Windows NT 5.0".
Some web sites may even just compare the user agent string, so if this is not enough, browse to the Post Platform\ sub key and delete the "240x320" value (it have no data).